It takes years of painful struggle, monetarily
as well as physically, to become a politician in such countries, as in most
cases the people are illiterate and have to be convinced not by educated reason
and genuine argument, but by hope of basic necessities. Yet if an environment
is somehow generated in which these politicians are unable to deliver, the
people slowly become frustrated with the system which results in a showdown of
unelected and unscrupulous men who use the system in all ways beneficial for
themselves only while becoming successful in convincing the masses and some
turncoat politicians that the coup was necessary for the constitution somehow.
Now this becomes important that we investigate that how these law breakers are
able to convince the people that they are accepted as the guardians of the law
and constitution they themselves broke. We must ascertain the factors which
give the Generals courage enough to uproot the whole system while being
labelled ‘Leaders’ at the same time.
In today’s world where systematic
forgery by the media is something regular and unstoppable to some extent, it is
very easy for these ‘unwelcomed guests’ in the government to convince the
people in their favour by printing out in the media some of the embezzlements
of the ex-rulers of the country and telling the people about the corruption and
mishandling of the government before which is actually inevitable in every
system. People start to look upon the technocrats and military rulers as a safe
haven away from the clutches of corrupt politicians, while ignoring that the
political elite formed by the army are largely from the same old chunk that
failed to provide anything to them, and that the system is working in the same
way, except for the faces. So it can be well understood that the military coups
have a well groomed media support with them or in some cases, certain sections
of media actually create an environment in which existing governments are
labelled as incapable to provide anything but chaos and as a consequence, a
clandestine innuendo is put forward for the uniformed people to come and do the
dirty drama.
But there is a genuine question
that arises here. Although the public mind can be moulded in any way by the
political or extra political forces in modern era, one observation that is
factual yet not easily explainable is that how come when the dictators come to
power, the same poor, rag tag country becomes embellished with fruit of
happiness and how the same economy which was ineffective to the verge of
bankruptcy becomes capable rising once again? Almost every third world after
the advent of dictatorial regimes did show exceptional streamlining in its
economic prowess and ability of good governance. For example, Pakistan showed
extra ordinary growth rate only in two periods, one during the 1960s in Gen
Ayyub Khan’s era (a Military dictator) and the other during the first decade of
21st century in the recent Musharraf regime (Military dictator).
Military coups are not just
indigenous uprisings. They are wrongfully thought to be as a ‘last attempt by
army to save the country’. Military coups are planned outside whereas
propagated clandestinely into country and executed by those inside the country.
The generals who go for a military coup are never sincere with the people.
While the planning is in progress, a full-fledged business deal is normally cut
between the soon-to-be leaders and the big powers which support them. This deal
comprises of the dictators giving control of natural resources, reforming and
reshaping the country and fomenting the type of strategic environment the big
powers involved want. In turn, these dictators get a ‘clean chit’ by being
assured of no UN action, personal security and unlimited military support in
terms of hardware at the expense of public money. While these puppets are
making these deals, they definitely know that they will not survive if they
turned against their masters (happened to Gaddafi and Saddam), so they keep on
licking their feet for the rest of their lives, while vandalising and choking
their own countries in many ways. These big powers keep on providing them with
necessary economic support so that they may get their strategic advantage and
while everyone in the power structure is busy doing business, the people of the
country pay-off dearly due to foreign-bought indoctrinations and other foreign
It is obligatory that people
realize that their military mentors whom most of them cherish and adore as
guardians of Nation are not that scrupulous after all. The uniformed puppets
are indeed more dangerous than rogue politicians because they come with utmost
impunity and are unquestionable for their actions. In fact, army generals get a
chance to over throw the civilian governments because the people love the armed
forces too much or say worship them like a sacred cow. People will have to
realize that in the silent outdoors of the cantonments constructed with their
very money, talks and conversations are held by the uniformed clowns who are
exceptionally out of context and domain of their constitutional duties. People
have to come to terms with their own good conscience and start realizing that a
soldier fighting on the front is normally shown on the media wall papers to
convince them for the supremacy of the Generals who are playing politics of
Land ownership and political prowess. All uniformed puppets in the Muslim
countries namely Reza Shah Pehelvi of Iran, Saddam Hussain of Iraq, Hafez Assad
of Syria, Ayyub Khan, Zia ulHaq and Musharraf of Pakistan, Hosni Mubarak of
Egypt and many others were successful because people of Muslim countries love
their armies and soldiers overwhelmingly. People must learn how to optimize
their love for the soldier with their love for humanity, principles,
constitution and law. They should support the warriors who ensure their safety
but those men who in the disguise of being the heads of sacred organizations
try to obliterate in any way, the rule of law or the structure of the country,
try to bring in external influence and agencies and try to sow some incurable
cancers in the country, must be dealt with like criminals. They are criminals
of the nation and must be taken care of, not supported, no matter what is the
environment at hand.